Friday, July 30, 2010

Standardized Choropleth Map

This is a standardized choropleth map. It shows the percentage of the population in Canada that is 14 years of aghe or younger according to the 2006 census.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Univariate Choropleth Map

This choropleth map shows one datat set therefore it is univariate. It deals with poverty in the U.S.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

This bivariate mpa contrasts two maps. The first shows the poulation density while the second shows the population change. Both are looking at Russia's central federal district.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

This mmap shows the illiteracy rate in France by area province. It was one of the first unclassed choropleth maps made in France.

Classed Choropleth Map

This class choropleth map shows the breakdown by county of persons who are hispanic or of latino descent in Florida according to the 2000 census.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

This map shows the relation of football positions on the field during a specific play.

Bilateral Graph

This bilateral graph is of the speed of a robotic arm that is assembling legos.